The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) automated the payment of compulsory fees through BSP Pay in the year 2022. The payment of compulsory fees will be completely online. No other modes of payment are allowed for Compulsory Fees other than BSP Pay, which has been linked with the University Information System (UIS) that allows students to pay their fees from their student portal accounts on UIS. BSP Pay is available to all customers in Papua New Guinea who maintain BSP bank accounts.

The University requires all Undergraduate (Internal) students to pay their Compulsory Fees through BSP Pay using their UIS student portal accounts. No student will be able to register for courses online until the online payment of compulsory fees is done. A step by step User Manual is available to guide you on how to use BSP Pay to pay your Compulsory Fees and register for courses. Please download the user manual from the link below and follow the instructions on the user manual to pay and register for courses.

A step by step User Manual

Undergraduate Students (Internal Mode of Delivery)

Given below is the schedule of online payment of Compulsory Fees and Registration of Courses through the University Information System (UIS):

School of Business & Public Policy (SBPP)

 Category of Students  Online Payment of Fees on UIS
Student Portal through BSP Pay
 Online Course Enrolment for
Semester 1/2025 Courses
 New Students (School Leavers & Non-School Leavers)  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Continuing Students including Streaming from Business Foundation  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Re-Enrolling Students & Students repeating Final Year  31/01/2025  31/01/2025

 School of Humanities & Social Sciences (SHSS)

 Category of Students  Online Payment of Fees on UIS
Student Portal through BSP Pay
 Online Course Enrolment for
Semester 1/2025 Courses
 New Students (School Leavers & Non-School Leavers)  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Continuing Students  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Re-Enrolling Students & Students repeating Final Year  31/01/2025  31/01/2025
 External to Internal Streaming 31/01/2025 31/01/2025

School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS)

 Category of Students  Online Payment of Fees on UIS
Student Portal through BSP Pay
 Online Course Enrolment for
Semester 1/2025 Courses
 New Students (School Leavers & Non-School Leavers)  13/01/2025  17/01/2025
 Continuing Students 13/01/2025  17/01/2025
 Re-Enrolling Students  13/01/2025  17/01/2025

 School of Natural & Physical Sciences (SNPS)

 Category of Students  Online Payment of Fees on UIS
Student Portal through BSP Pay
 Online Course Enrolment for
Semester 1/2025 Courses
 New Students (School Leavers & Non-School Leavers)  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Continuing Students  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Streaming Students Science Foundation  31/01/2025 31/01/2025
 Re-Enroling Students & Students repeating Final Year 31/01/2025 31/01/2025

School of Law (SOL) 

 Category of Students  Online Payment of Fees on UIS
Student Portal through BSP Pay
 Online Course Enrolment for
Semester 1/2025 Courses
 New Students (School Leavers & Non-School Leavers)  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Continuing Students  20/01/2025  31/01/2025
 Re-Enrolling Students & Students repeating Final Year  31/01/2025  31/01/2025

Other Instructions:

1. Students that do not maintain a bank account with BSP are advised to open an Account, and use it to pay for your fees, using BSP Pay.

2. You must pay your fees, as per the amount displayed on the UIS Student Portal.

3. Any student with outstanding fees from previous years must pay the outstanding fees amount using other modes of payment. Accepted modes of payment for OUTSTANDING FEES are; BSP MOBILE BANKING, EFTPOS and INTERNET BANKING.

4. Students are not allowed to use any EXCESS FEES from 2024 or previous years to pay for Compulsory Fees in 2025 as issues regarding the ownership of these excess fees payments must be considered in the decision making process. The Bursary’s Office and the Registrar’s Office through the Deputy Registrar, Academic will assist you with any queries that you may have regarding overpayments. Kindly contact them on email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 3267321/3267604/3267249. You may also visit the Registration Help Desk during the registration period for assistance.

5. Like previous years, no excess fee transfers from one student to another student will be allowed by the University in 2025.

6. Students who are trying to avail sponsorships are advised to consult their sponsors and get the sponsorship amount credited to their BSP account which will be used to pay the University fees online.

7. Consistent with the Fees Statute, as from 2024 onwards, the University is under no obligation to accept payment of University fees from third parties/sponsors for the purpose of refunding fees that have been paid by students or for the payment of any other University fees. Such financial transactions must take place between students and respective sponsors outside of the University system.

Mr. Roboam Kakap
Acting Registrar