Open College

The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) is the oldest and coveted seat of higher learning in PNG known over the years for providing quality education and service. At UPNG, the Open College offers an option to learners to pursue higher education through the open flexible learning mode. It is a unique mode democratizing higher education and enhancing access to many aspiring learners.

Higher Education is no longer the privilege of a few. It should be accessible to all, irrespective of their location, gender, and social and economic status. Open Distance Learning aims at meeting the higher education needs of such people. It frees learners from these constraints and enables learning to occur independent of time, place, and pace. Learning has come to be a life-long experience, as well as practice based to harness emerging employment opportunities in a global perspective. Competent learners with multiple skillsets will be successful. The UPNG Open College welcomes such a challenge to effect the transformation of learners to meet their requirements.

UPNG Open College is scaling up appropriate arrangements to meet your needs, with committed staff backed by supportive management and motivated learners. The Open College is set to emerge as a leading player in open distance learning. You are welcome to choose this mode of learning to pursue your dream.

We are committed to making your learning experience pleasant, rewarding, and holistic for your bright future.

Dr. Boe Ako Lahui
Acting Executive Director