Undergraduate Admission Requirements
The School offers the following programs
- Bachelor of Arts ( Major in Philosophy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Anthropology, Sociology & Archaeology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Arts & Design)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in English Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Gender Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Information & Communication Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Journalism & Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Linguistics & Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Literature)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Music)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Political Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Social Work)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major in Theatre Arts)
- Bachelor of Arts (Professional Studies in Education)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours ( Major in History)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours ( Major in Journalism & Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Anthropology,Sociology & Archaeology)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in English Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Information & Communication Science)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Linguistics & Modern Languages)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Literature)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Philosophy)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Political Science)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Major in Social Work)
Students have to study courses in their major, minor and enrichment courses, to complete the Bachelor of Arts program. Courses can be taken within and outside the school. Students admitted to the Bachelor of Arts (professional studies) will be required to study courses taken from their major and enrichment courses. Those in Diploma in Language Communication program have to study 16 prescribed courses from their major and enrichment courses to complete the program. For those admitted to the Bachelor of Arts with Honours, will be required to study 3 prescribed courses from their major and complete a sub-thesis. Major under each program indicates the courses of emphasis; however, the degree labels of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts (Professional Studies in Education) are generic and do not indicate the information of ‘Major’.